Monday, March 3, 2008

Religious bystander

"When you think you have no one...remember who paints every sunrise, covers the oval with sparkling white snow, makes the flowers and trees bloom in's all for you, you're not alone."

i found this comment in response to all the comments about depression, self-esteem and eating issues.  It was meant to be a comfort to those who were suffering.


religion is strange.


i was raised in the church,
it was a huge part of my life for some time.

once i hit college,
no more church.

and you know what i noticed,
my faith was out of fear.


and for me, that's not faith.

(i'm not trying to say religion isn't great, it just might not be for me)

but here's the thing about religion,
it might be the only thing left.

the only hope.

whether it's true or not,
it's a thought.
a thought that makes you feel better.
and isn't that enough?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The 17th chapter of Luke says that the Kingdom of God is in man. Not in one man, or a group of men but all men!"

-Charlie Chaplin (The Great Dictator)

Philosophy and religion are generally interpretations of our understanding of life. I think that in the trying to understand life you sometimes get hung up on misunderstandings.

Faith is what you make it.
Like love and friendship.