"I don't know how to be happy."
I know, I feel like everyone around me isn't real sometimes. Seeing everyone else happy, makes me feel even more alone. I feel like people act happy because it's kosher. Or they're oblivious. But there are so many treasures in life...they're hidden amongst everything else, but I swear they're there. I found this wonderful song, it's a little sad, but this artist is amazing. Her name is Kate Havnevik, and the song is "Unlike Me." Visibly, the video is soothing as well. For me, she made me realize that I'm jealous of others that can be constantly happy, but that I'm not alone. I felt relief, when I realized that someone else feels the same way. So, I thought I would share it. Her other music, is excellent as well!!
the lyrics are what got me:
" There are no guarantees in life
Not for the present,
Nor for the future.
All I know is
That I'm here;
Don't know for how long.
I love the way
You live so intensely
Enjoy every minute of life
With space to swing
Your arms around
Laughing loudly
Unlike me
Unlike me
Do you think I'm strange?
Unlike you
Unlike you
I am not pretending..."
here's the link:
i'll try to embed the video...it doesn't want to work for me now.
Not for the present,
Nor for the future.
All I know is
That I'm here;
Don't know for how long.
I love the way
You live so intensely
Enjoy every minute of life
With space to swing
Your arms around
Laughing loudly
Unlike me
Unlike me
Do you think I'm strange?
Unlike you
Unlike you
I am not pretending..."
here's the link:
i'll try to embed the video...it doesn't want to work for me now.
Peer Crit: itsjuststalltalk.blogspot.com
First of all I love the name of the blog, its very sharp and witty. Also I think the header picture was handled very well and I like the simple set up. The pictures for each post also do a good job of setting up a mood, this is vital because I feel it will encourage viewers to take the thoughts and ideas behind these brief and anonymous communications seriously.
This blog seems to me to be about being able to reach out and have serious discussions. A lot of the people who left those messages in the various bathrooms seem to be reaching out or extending advice and the thing that is really great about this blog is that, in a sense, this blog is extending the reach and words of these anonymous people.
One thing I am on the fence about is having only one post per page. On the one hand it seems that once I read one I want other posts to be right below it, because its very easy to get drawn into this site. On the other hand I like that there is only one post per page because it encourages readers to take time and look and the images and consider what is being said. I'm not sure what would be better but maybe it is something that could be toyed with or adjusted.
I could see the comments portion of this site becoming very important. The pictures and the text of the posts set up a dialogue and it is very easy to see a community developing around this blog. An extension of that idea would be to let people from around the globe submit pictures, it would be interesting to see the differences or similarities that can be found from different places. One last thing; it might be a good idea to tag each entry with where it was found, maybe not the name of the place specifically, but tag it with the type of place like "school" or "bar" or where ever.
All in all I really like the concept and the execution so far. For it to really take off in terms of being a long term project you should think about getting the word out about it and really encourage reader participation.
Interesting stall graffiti? Where did you find that?
I would also like to say, I like the looks of your page :)
I've never heard of this artist but I like the lyrics of this song. There are no guarantees in life. I like that. You think, why should there need to be? But even still we as humans constantly look for assurance and guarantees throughout everything we endure! I don't know about you, but I question everything and analyze it till the sun comes up! That quote you photographed, "I don't know how to be happy" is a question I think everyone battles at some point in their life; whether it be with a bad grade, a break up, or just a bad day, week, month or even a year! (that started to sound like that song from the Friend's intro, I'll be there for youu, cause you're there for me tooo. hehe)
I must say I love your idea on capturing these images we see all the time, especially here on campus. I would be lying if I said I never wrote a little how do you do on the stalls of a bathroom wall I was in, while waiting on my friend to grab me some toilet paper because there is never any! You can't go to any bar without seeing some little story of humor or depth; the wide range of what you might read is kind of cool. I like how you're taking a photographic narrative and taking it a step beyond. It's very creative and props to you- it's something to come back to!
hey guys!!! I'm so excited to see people are reading and checking out my page!
To Sarah H.--this particular one was found on the ohio state campus in a lab building. I'm not sure of the name...since I'm not commonly in the science buildings, being an art student.
To some thoughts...:
thanks for your awesome, insightful and supportive comments!! your insight is soooo important to me! <3
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